Thursday, May 30, 2013

Darn Dog!

The good news is that we have been home from the hospital since Monday. The bad news is that once again, Cocoa has reeked havoc on our back yard!  While we were gone, she chewed our internet/cable wires to the house, so we had neither until yesterday afternoon, which is why I haven't posted. We were impressed with comcast though, as they came out and fixed it all at no charge.

So in just a few days, Kaia has gone from this....
to this....
Kaia actually went back to school today.  She has taken no pain medications for two days now. The biggest challenge is keeping her from being bored with the "Soft, no-chew" diet, and keeping enough calories in her. She has also asked to go jump on the trampoline. Um, No!  The worry is that if she bumps the mouth area at all, before the bone has been accepted, or if any infection settles in, then we have to do it all again. Five lonnnnnnggg weeks left!

Here's the photo of Kaia and Abe that I wanted to post earlier...
Now if we can only get Cocoa to be that calm.

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