Thursday, July 1, 2010

Not a Failure...

This post is a tribute to my wonderful husband, whom encouraged me to go back to Chaoyang again this year while he stayed home with the children. When I spoke with him this morning, he informed me he was a "Tooth Fairy Failure," because Jaelyn lost her first tooth yesterday, and the "tooth fairy" forgot to pay a visit. Thank goodness children are so forgiving:) When Jaelyn woke up she said "Daddy, you forgot to be the tooth fairy last night!" Mike felt terrible and apologized, to which Jaelyn responded "I forgive you Daddy, but don't forget tonight!"

Mike, you aren't a failure, just a busy single dad! Jaelyn, Mommy is sorry she missed your first tooth, but I promise to take a picture of you in two days and post it on the blog, just like I did for Kaia two weeks ago. See you all soon!

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