Saturday, November 23, 2013


November may be known as Movember to many now, but around here we know it as Brovember! The time when two baby faced brothers come together again, only to find that each has attempted to grow facial hair in honor of Movember, but both failed epically.  It's the thought that counts though, right?  I remember Mike attempting to grow facial hair at their age. Some day boys, some day. For now, I love the camaraderie! And I loved seeing the joy on one another's face when, after 3 months apart, they embraced, then broke into laughter at one another's "growth."

I think Kellen's stache reminds me of Will Ferrell as Ron Burgundy...

And Mike says it reminds him of Kip from Napolean Dynamite...

And Josh? Shaggy from Scooby Doo comes to mind...
Love you boys, and love that you don't take yourselves too seriously.

And speaking of Kellen, his swelling from having all four wisdom teeth out this week is finally going down.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kellen and Josh, you two are something else! Valiant effort!