Saturday, April 13, 2013

Animal Poetry Comes to Life...

Awhile back, each student in Jaelyn's class researched an animal, then wrote a poem based on their facts (for you non-teacher types, that's called integrating subjects or cross-curriculum, or whatever the latest catch phrase may be). Her teacher compiled them all into a book, which we were too cheap to buy, but then he also had a friend of his, who happens to be a professional voice actor, perform each poem. I was expecting something cheesy and only funny to the kids in the class, but it turned out to be quite entertaining. So watch out Shel Silverstein, I give you Jaelyn's "Fox"....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's awesome!!!!!

Now voice acting...that's something I wish I had gotten into when I was younger. I hated my deep voice as a little girl (often mistaken for a boy on the phone). But man, how I wish I had done something with it when I was older. Ah well....this guy is good! And so was Jaelyn's poem. Loved it!