Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sunday Surprise...

So Sunday we surprised the kids girls with a trip to Mickey's Magic Show in Everett. Despite seemingly no heat in the Everett Events Center (the Silvertips must have had a game later that night), a good time was had by all. I think I enjoy surprising people more than anyone I know, from gifts to outings. Wonder why that is. But I digress....

As you can see by the smiles, they were thrilled, and our stock went up even higher when we splurged for the cotton candy that was topped by the magician's hat. They don't need to know that at $10, it was the cheapest novelty item for sale! That's only $1 less than each ticket cost. By the looks of some of the families around us, Disney was making a killing off of some of those parents! Our seats weren't too far from the stage, but glad Kaia had her glasses.

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