Saturday, March 13, 2010

Great Read....

Seems I have slacked off on my blogging lately, but I do have good excuses (really)! First, my camera is on the blitz (yes, the new one I blogged about in November), so I can take pictures, but I can't get them off the camera. Second, I've been busy putting together this year's team for our work in Chaoyang. I'm very excited to be returning to Chaoyang after having to go to Heng Feng last summer. Don't get me wrong, it was a wonderful experience, but I just missed my kiddos in Chaoyang. And lastly, not a lot of exciting things happened in February, so I didn't want to bore you to death:)

Speaking of the team, one book I am recommending the team read is Kay Bratt's Silent Tears. Kay tells of her experience of living and volunteering for two years at an orphanage in China. So much of her experience I could completely relate to. An encore edition of the book is just getting ready to come out. so check it out.

If anyone reading this is interested in being a part of this year's team, please let me know, as things are starting to roll, or if you just want to support the trip/orphanage, let me know that too. We are planning on purchasing a playground for them this year, and I will post more details when I have them.

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