Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Not Again!

Some of you may remember a few months back when Kaia gave herself a trim. Well I'm afraid she has outdone herself this time! Mike and I were attending small group this evening, and when we left at 7:00, the girls were under Kellen's watchful eye (hmmm...) and near bedtime. When we got home at 8:45 and went in to kiss the girls (who were to be sleeping), I heard Mike exclaim "what happened to your hair?" which is when Kaia burst into tears. The long story short is that Jaelyn smuggled kiddie scissors into their room at some point in the evening, and after nightime prayers, Kaia snuck into the closet and cut away. I've seen kids cut their bangs before, or a chunk of hair like Kaia did previously, but this has to be the first time I have seen a kid REALLY cut their hair. I mean all of it! Between tears Kaia revealed that she wanted her hair to be like Jaelyn's, but after having her look in the mirror, she said she wants her hair long again.

Needless to say, Mike will be taking Kaia to get her hair straightened up tommorrow. That poor hairdresser has his/her job cut out (& I think we do too)!


Left Overs:

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Festivities....

Here are various photos from many activities this October:
Grandma & Papa Visit & playing Wii...

Mom's birthday...

Josh's football (he's in the red socks)....

Kellen's cross country and homecoming dance....

and finally, my students had to sell a specific amount of magazines to cause me to dress like a cheerleader one day. Guess what? They went over and beyond their goal, so here was their reward....

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Palin Rap...

So this was too funny to pass up....(pause the Maybe Later video below if you need to)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dad, You're Two 4's...

That's right, Mike hit the big 4-4 yesterday. Kaia was impressed that he was two 4's and she was one 4! Of course, that was after asking him if he was now 16! That made his day:)

Today Josh, Kaia, Jaelyn and I took advantage of no rain and ventured off to the pumpkin patch. While there we went through the corn maze, took a hay ride, and picked out some pumpkins. The girls actually managed to find their way out in a reasonable time, without prompting by me. A good time was had by all.