We first met Wu Jia Wei two years ago, after she had been left at the orphanage by her grandparents. They had been raising her, but due to age and health, they were unable to care for her anymore. We were told by the orphanage that they would send her to school that Fall, but they did not. Their reason was that she had already attended school through fifth grade, which is the top grade at their boarding school, so she was too smart, and they felt she would get made fun if she went to the next level of school. So their answer was to do nothing! Both years we had worked their with her, she was craving to learn, and Tracie always took a lot of care to help her do school type work. Wu Jia Wei also expressed a desire to learn English. We bought some books to leave with her, but what we really desired was to sponsor a tutor for her.
After much effort on one of our leaders, Ying's, part, the pastor of the Chinese church we attended hooked him up with a member of his congregation that agreed to work with her. She also speaks English! Coincidentally (or maybe not), the same lady that wrote an article on us for the local newspaper happened to be at the orphanage when the two worked together, so we received this photo. I love the grin on Wu Jia Wei's face! Please pray for their relationship, and hopefully I can meet the tutor next year:)
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